Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movin' Right Along

We had our pre-drywall walk through at the house during the last week of February and since then they have put up all the drywall and built the skeleton of the screened porch. The two houses next to us are getting started and we can see where they will be in relation to us. It's tight as you might expect in a new neighborhood, but we are pleased with the space between the houses. They have graded our lot somewhat and it looks like the yard, though small, will have some space for the girls to play and will be flat, unlike our current house. Speaking of which...

Mike and Cindi traveled to Cary for a full week of hard labor to get our house ready to put on the market. It will be listed on March 4th and they have been here to photograph it for the MLS listing. We could not have been ready with out Doug's parents' help and we are so appreciative. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

  1. OMG OMG! The yard does look like a yard! Oh it's looking GREAT! I can't wait to go and see it some time soon! Look at the view from the living room to the kitchen! Oh I can just see the greatness now! :)
