Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spotlight on May

We spent almost the entire month of May in a rented townhouse a short distance from the new house. It was pretty comfortable, but we were happy to leave on the 27th and move in to our new house! Here's a little glimpse of what went on during the month....

We got a little pool for the kids to use at the rental house...
We picked strawberries with our friend Ansley...
We celebrated Mother's Day with a big cookie that Hannah decorated for me (with a little help from dad).
Paige ate some spaghetti. I think she liked it!
Hannah ate sushi. We were shocked!
Cousin Abigail came to visit. The girls had a great time together...
We took a trip to the beach...
Hannah had a couple of parties to celebrate the end of the school year...

And last, but not least, grandma arrived from Ohio to have a little, teeny, tiny, bit of fun and help us move.

April in Review

Oh my how time flies! I have not been blogging as I should and we have so much to tell you. Where to begin? Well, here's our April in a nutshell...

Paige transitioned off of baby food completely and we started working on transitioning off of her bottle to a sippy cup.
Hannah went to a couple of very fun birthday parties and she learned to "pump" herself on a big girl swing.
Of course she still made time for her Barkyardigans and Wonderpet friends.
We met mike and Cindy for a wonderful Easter brunch and then went to a nearby Park afterwards.

Paige turned one! The day we moved out of our old house, Paige officially turned one. She wasn't even here though because Mike and Cindi graciously took the girls to their house for the week we were moving out. Not sure what we would have done without their help! We had cake for her on several occasions which she THOROUGHLY enjoyed!
On the last day of the month we officially closed on 121 Parkarbor Lane and said goodbye to the house that welcomed our girls home from the hospital. It was a little sad, but we were looking forward to our new place and creating memories there.

We're Back!

We have a lot to celebrate around here these days. In the last three months we sold our old house, moved into a rental, and moved in to our new house. We celebrated Paige's first birthday, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. It's been a long journey, but we are through the worst of it and are looking forward to getting back to normal around here - whatever that is! Thanks to all of you who are still chacking the blog after all this time. More later...