Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Poofect Storm

I took the two girls to lunch with two of my friends at Mimi's Friday and we had a great time. Hannah and Paige were pretty well behaved and thanks to my friend Courtnay I got to eat my lunch as she helped Hannah eat hers. After we ate we took some pictures of the kids and chatted for a few minutes. Just as things were wrapping up and I thought to myself "We made it" Courtnay said "What's this?". She had been holding sweet little Paige and when she lifted her up we all gasped. Paige had pooped all over herself and Court, but honestly Court got the worst of it. My memories after that point are blurry as embarrassment took over and I started to panic. All three women started wiping and Hannah "helped" too by spreading poop all over Paige's back with her napkin.

I ran to the bathroom with Paige, leaving Courtnay and Rachel with my toddler and a mess. Thank goodness Rachel came prepared with wipes and a plastic garbage bag. When I reached the bathroom an old woman announced "Looks like somebody pooped their pants". Really? I hadn't noticed.

I laid Paige down on the changing table and as soon as I removed the old diaper she peed all over herself. Nice. When I returned to the table Courtnay let me know that Hannah had announced she needed to go potty. So back to the bathroom I went for round two which was thankfully a lot less messy. When we returned, Courtnay, who had been watching over a now naked Paige, helped us to the car and we left. Of course Paige fell asleep on the way home exhausted from the lunchtime festivities.

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